We create the design of the children's room ourselves: useful tips for parents of girls

The nursery is a separate world for the baby. It should correspond to the age of the baby, be comfortable, beautiful. It is in this room that the girl will learn order, order. The stylish interior of the children's room will shape the taste, provide comfortable psychological conditions for growing up. Creating the right environment is the main task of parents. In this publication, we will consider the features of arranging our own corner for girls of different ages.

an example of an unusual bedroom interior for a girl

Children's room for a girl should be beautiful and cozy

idea of ​​a bright bedroom style for a girl

When planning the design of the bedroom, consider the preferences of the child

option for a bright decor of a bedroom for a girl

The design of a children's room for a girl should become a separate world for her

Ideal nursery: basic aspects

An ideal children's room should be:

  • safe for health

  • practical

  • attractive in appearance.

Safety will ensure the right choice of finishing materials, furniture, accessories. For decoration you need to choose exclusively natural materials, hypoallergenic. When buying building materials, be sure to check the quality certificates.

High-quality, functional, durable furniture will ensure a comfortable stay indoors. The room should not be overloaded with unnecessary items. The interior should have a minimum of breakable, brittle materials.

An example of a beautiful bedroom design for a girl

When decorating the room, use natural materials

the idea of ​​a beautiful design of a bedroom for a girl

The room should have plenty of natural light.

The space must be attractive in appearance. This will help to shape the baby's exquisite taste from a very young age. To do this, it is important to correctly choose the style of the interior, guided by age, the characteristics of your child. The style, sustained in every detail, will create a pleasant atmosphere, harmonious space around.

Important! The emergence of a separate space is a new step towards growing up. You can start to vaccinate yourself from the moment of repair. Bring your daughter to the process. Let her make decisions on her own, help choose interior items, and show her imagination.

variant of a bright bedroom interior for a girl

Everything should be perfect in the room

idea of ​​a bright style for a bedroom for a girl

For the bedroom, girls often use bright and contrasting colors.

variant of unusual bedroom decor for a girl

Take care of the gaming area

Design style

The appearance of the girl’s children's room will entirely depend on the chosen style direction. Consider the most popular styles, their features, characteristic features in the tables.


Specific traits


The most common choice for parents. No wonder. The classic style is particularly concise, restrained. He will help educate the baby of a real lady, introduce her to literature, art. In the classics it is customary to use noble light shades in the decoration. White ceiling, beige walls will be a wonderful backdrop for furniture made of natural wood. A chic canopy can be hung above the bed. The bed itself can be decorated with carvings, bright pillows. Use nightlights, a large chandelier, and family photos as a decor. Hang some beautiful paintings on the walls.


For children over ten years old, the modern direction in the design of children's rooms is perfect. This direction is characterized by the use of bright colors, unusual shapes, designs.The ceiling can be made to stretch, decorate it with backlight. One of the walls can be decorated with art painting. Leave more space for active games, development. Furniture needs the most compact, practical.


This is a very gentle, romantic direction. Suitable for real little ladies. Provence is distinguished by warm, light shades. Preference is given to pink, yellow, beige, sand color. For decoration use only natural building materials. Particular attention in provence is given to accessories. Expensive textiles, small figurines, photographs within the framework will perfectly decorate the space.

An example of a bright bedroom style for a girl

Room style should be chosen cloyingly and carefully

variant of the unusual interior of the bedroom for the girl

The more bright colors, the more interest the bedroom design for the girl will cause.

The choice of colors, finishing materials

Having decided on the style direction, you need to choose the main color scheme. In the selection process, you need to consider several important points: the personal wishes of the daughter, the advice of psychologists, the characteristic features of the chosen style. Psychologists strongly recommend avoiding the abundance of vibrant colors. The main tone should be slightly muffled.

The most popular color used in the design of a nursery is pink. Many people consider this color too “childish” for teenage girls. However, everything will depend on the features of its application. Light pink in combination with coral, peach will be the best solution for rooms in a glamorous style.

the idea of ​​a beautiful bedroom interior for a girl

Choosing the right color can fundamentally change the interior.

an example of an unusual design of a bedroom for a girl

Try to make the room cozy and interesting.

Lilac is a good choice for deep, creative natures. It is a bewitching color. It calms, goes well with white. Lilac can be used in a modern style. A brighter solution will be the choice of green. He will make the nursery more fun, fresher. You can use different shades of green.

When choosing finishing materials, consider the following tips.

  • For the ceiling, the best solution would be a tensile structure. It has a lot of advantages: it is relatively inexpensive, installed in one day, allows you to mount additional lighting.

  • It is better to decorate the walls with wallpaper. You need to choose dense, expensive washable wallpaper. One of the walls can be painted, decorated with art painting. Paint should be safe, odorless.

  • On the floor you can lay a carpet, laminate, parquet made of natural wood. The floor may be dark. It will be freshened up by a soft rug of light color.

variant of a bright bedroom style for a girl

Choose dense washable wallpapers

An example of a light decor for a bedroom for a girl

Use only natural finishes.

a variant of a beautiful style of a bedroom for a girl

For a ceiling it is better to use a stretch ceiling

Choosing a wallpaper for a girl of 10 years old

General recommendations for choosing wallpapers are quite simple. Finishing material must be high quality. When buying, check the certificates! Quality goods will be expensive. But he will be able to serve for many years, will not harm health. Do not try to buy wallpapers with cartoon characters, thematic drawings. Tastes at the daughter can change quickly. It is better to choose the finish "for growth." This is a significant cost savings.

idea of ​​a bright bedroom interior for a girl

The only rule for choosing a wallpaper is quality.

an example of an unusual bedroom decor for a girl

Dear can last a very long time and not harm the health of the child

Wallpaper in the style of the fashion industry

Girls from the age of ten begin to get involved in fashion. If your daughter is actively interested in fashion trends, often revises world gloss, you can choose themed wallpapers for the bedroom. For example, to design three walls in a single color, one - photo murals with the image of world fashion models. Wall mural can be changed over time. Themed murals will become an incentive to take care of yourself, develop, and always have a neat appearance, as with famous photo models.

Interest in fashion can hide a special talent for modeling clothes.The future designer needs to create an appropriate atmosphere. Choose unusual print wallpapers, additionally decorate the walls with posters, photos of your favorite designers. You can also install a mannequin, a large mirror. The mannequin will emphasize the fashionable design, allow your baby to develop. She will be able to try on outfits, fabrics, model clothes. In a few years, your own outfits will be created on the same mannequin.

idea of ​​bright design of a bedroom for a girl

Choose wallpaper considering the interests of the child

option for a bright bedroom interior for a girl

A room for a girl in high-tech style will look very beautiful

idea of ​​an unusual decor for a bedroom for a girl

The room must have an area for games, recreation and study

Features of arranging the bedroom of a baby 3-6 years old

The process of arranging a children's room for a child of three to six years old has its own characteristics. Let's consider them in more detail.

  1. Too much themed design makes no sense. After a year it will become irrelevant, repairs will have to be organized again. This is an extra waste.

  2. At this age, the child still believes in miracles, fairy tales. With the help of accessories, the room can be turned into a gingerbread house, a fabulous forest, a castle. The introduction of such ideas will allow the baby to feel like a real princess.

  3. Apply bright colors in the decoration is not worth it. They quickly tire, will interfere with a quiet fall asleep. The bedroom can be decorated in soft, light shades. Suitable pink, purple, white.

  4. From three to four years, the baby will begin to learn letters, numbers. In the room it is worth choosing a place for the desktop. You will need a desk, a chair, a small school board. On the board in a playful way, you can slowly prepare crumbs for school.

  5. The bed needs to be bought with sides. At this tender age, children often fall out of bed while sleeping. The soft side will ensure safety. You can purchase a model with a removable side. Then the bed can be used for several years in a row.

  6. Provide a separate corner for playing on the floor. There you can put a soft mat, install an organizer, a chest of drawers for toys. Each game should have its own place. Accustom the baby to order, starting from the youngest age.

  7. Children of three years old love to paint on the walls. In order not to re-stick wallpaper constantly, buy washable ones. Some parents come out of the situation creatively - they hang a roll of drawing paper on the wall.

an example of a beautiful bedroom style for a girl

When choosing a room design for a girl, consider her age

variant of bright design of a bedroom for a girl

The bedroom can be decorated in soft, soft colors.

We buy furniture

The interior of the children's room of the girl would not be complete without functional, practical furniture. The number, type of items will depend on the age of the baby. Children under six are not demanding of such things. A set of furniture will be determined by the wishes of the parents. It is enough to buy a bed with sides, a desk, a chair, a chest of drawers. Other items will be redundant.

A girl, starting at the age of ten, requires more. The little fashionista will need the following pieces of furniture.

  • Comfortable bed. Sometimes it is replaced with a sofa. At night, the sofa is used as a place to sleep, during the day - for gatherings with girlfriends, reading. The sofa must have a solid upholstery. It is advisable to purchase a cover. The removable cover can be washed in case of contamination.

  • School desk, hinged shelves, chair. At this age, a computer will appear on the table. For him, it is necessary to provide everything necessary. The workplace should be comfortable. It is better to choose a chair without rollers. This is distracting from class. On shelves a teenager will be able to place photo albums, books, personal items;

  • Capacious wardrobe. One dresser is not enough! A teenager has many different outfits, handbags, outerwear. The best choice would be a wardrobe with mirrored doors. A large mirror is necessary for a little fashionista.

  • Swedish wall. Not only boys should develop their physical form. Performing simple exercises will allow you to have excellent health, an excellent figure. The Swedish wall should be suitable for age.Check the necessary parameters with the consultants of the sports store.

  • Shelves for toys. In the life of a child, the teenage period begins. This means the number of toys will decrease significantly. However, there are special, most beloved toys. They do not need to be thrown away. For them, provide a special shelf, a small chest of drawers.

An example of a bright bedroom interior for a girl

It is best to use multifunctional furniture.

variant of a beautiful bedroom decor for a girl

The room must have areas for rest, sleep and training

Decor Ideas

Girls from childhood are drawn to the beautiful. Their corner must be decorated with pleasant, useful little things. Vinyl stickers will look beautiful. They will diversify the plain wall decoration. Stickers can be any: butterflies, inscriptions, flowers. Using stickers, you can create an original figure, a collage. High-quality vinyl stickers can be easily removed without damaging the finish.

A collage of drawings is a good idea for decorating a room. Make it a special, memorable corner. Even an adult daughter will be pleased to see their own drawings. There you can hang letters, medals. Some parents keep crafts from the kindergarten. They can be placed on a special shelf in the memorial corner.

Decor for the bedroom can be done with your own hands with your daughter. For example, create an original paper garland. To do this, you need to buy double-sided colored paper, glue, scissors, threads. Further - a matter of technology, imagination. You can make pompons, hearts, flashlights. Such an ornament looks romantic, airy, practically does not require investments.

Video: Design a children's room for a girl

50 photos of design ideas for a child’s room for a girl:

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